How to protect your plants from slugs

We are all having a very wet spring and slugs seem to be a big problem this year. There are more than 20 different slug species in the UK and one can lay as many as 500 eggs. They munch away on your precious seedlings and can cause an irreversible damage. Here are a few tips on how to protect your plants.

Place copper ring or wire around the plants you would like to protect. The copper reacts with their slime so the slugs will not cross it. Some folks say it works some say it does not. Well, try it yourself; if you have a big slug infestation which can be he case in this rainy spring, then use more than one method at the same time for the best results.

Sprinkle about an inch thick layer of sharp material around the plants. The best is crushed egg shells as it is a really good fertilizer too as breaks down later in the season. You can use sharp grit too in and around pots or a thick layer of sawdust; it will stick to their bodies so they will avoid the area eventually.

Fill jars with beer and place them around the plants. The slugs will fall in and drown.

Place huge chunks of grapefruit peels in the garden. The slugs will gather underneath, you will have to collect them in the morning and … well it’s up to you what you do with them.

Make your own garlic spray and use it on your plants., it will repel slugs, and aphids too.

On the long term make sure you have an area near to your garden dedicated to wildlife. Hedgehogs, rove beetles, centipedes and slowworms love slugs and snails. Dig your garden in the autumn and rake it well this will bring the eggs closer to the surface so the frost will kill them in the winter.

Does any of this work for you? Do you know any other organic method? Please leave your comments below…

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