Foxglove Excelsior Mix 2000 seeds


A large flowered strain, spikes growing up to 1.2 metres tall. The mixture contains flowers in shades of purple, cream, rose and pink, many of them with spotted.All parts are poisonous.

For flowering in the same season, sow foxglove seeds in early spring in good, free-draining seed compost, just covering the seed with compost. Germination usually takes 10-21 days at 13-15 Celsius

Alternatively sow the foxglove seeds in the summer and plant into final position at the end of the season, to make sure the plant is established in its new place before the winter.

Grow on in small pots before planting out in early summer; can be used as a cut flower.

Many perennial flower seeds are pretty small, but don't be afraid it is not that hard to grow these beauties from seed. The fine seeds needs very little covering, just sprinkle some fine compost on the top of the seeds, if you have a sieve that is the best, and make sure you water the pots/seedtrays from the bottom, so the seeds are not disturbed by the splashing water.

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