Cucumber Carmen
  • Cucumber Carmen
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Cucumber Carmen F1 Hybrid 5 seeds


Carmen cucumber seeds is a well-known variety, great for cropping through the summer season well into the autumn, 30-40cm long, slightly ribbed, smooth fruit. Resistant to scab and leaf spot, high resistance to Powdery Mildew and partially tolerant of Downy Mildew.  Carmen has only female flowers and bitter-free fruits. One vigorous plant can produce up to 80 delicious fruits.

Sow cucumber carmen seeds under cover from late April about 2 cm deep in fine seed compost. Sow 1 seed per small pot/seed cell, and keep the compost moist. Cucumber Seeds germination takes about 7-10 days at about 17-20 Celsius.

Transplant into bigger pots when large enough to handle and keep inside until the last chance of frost has passed. Prefers sunny location and well drained, rich soil. Grow in the greenhouse or in a very warm, sheltered place.

Water well during growth and feed regularly for the highest production.

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