Runner Bean Polestar 25 seeds
Runner Bean Polestar produces completely stringless pods which are bright green, smooth and fleshy. The pods are up to 30 cam long which can be a winner at your allotment show. High yields of straight pods. For earliest crop sow the runner bean Polestar seeds inside in individual pods about 3 weeks before the last expected frost.
Sow seeds individually in small pots 3-4 cm deep, use a 7-10 cm pot or even loo roll insides and good quality compost. Keep the temperature 17-22 Celsius. The best to sow 6 weeks prior to planting out to the final location, which is around early May. Transplant outside in late June when the plants are strong enough and all risk of frost has passed. Protect the seedlings from wind as the tender bean plants can break easily. Also provide some mulch, this will protect the bean plants from slugs as they just love the young bean plants. And the mulch will help to keep the soil most around the plants.
Outside sowing can be done in late spring, typically in June, when the soil is warm enough for the runner bean seeds to germinate. Typically June sowings are recommended. Runner bean seed germination can be eradicated in cold soils, so make sure the soil temperature is around 15 Celsius, otherwise the bean seeds will rot. Sow the Polestar seeds 3-4 cm deep in well prepared soil.Dig a deeper trench first and add some compost, or some mulching material under the seeds so as it breaks down it will keep the soil around the seeds warm and this will help the germination. Allow 15-20 cm between the bean seeds, this is a large seeded runner bean variety. Prefers full sun and rich soil.
Pole, trellis, fence or any other form of support is a must for growing runner beans. Unless you want to try our dwarf variety Hestia. Runner beans are great vegetables and one of the most popular vegetable seeds in the UK. Fresh bean seeds are nutritious because of the high protein content and they are easy to grow from seeds. Polestar can be a winning variety at your local show along with Enorma as these pods can grow up to 40 cm long.