Apple roses



For 6:

1 apple with red skin

6 small sheets of butter puff pastry or one big sheet

1-2 tablesp poons of apricot jam



lemon juice


to serve:

custard and powdered sugar




mix sugar and cinnamon (quatties to taste) to make cinnamom sugar.

rub muffin trays with butter and dust with the cinnamom sugar.


Dilute apricot jam with a drop of water.

cut apples in half and remove pips (i used amelon baller)

cut as thinly as you can, then place in a bowl with water and a squirt of lemon juice.

Microwave the bowl with apples for about 4 minutes or until the apples are just limp, I use a 900watt microwave and it took 4 minutes, adjust according to your machine.

Preheat oven to 230degrees C


Cut strips of about 5 cm width of the puffpastry, and about 20cm in lenght (one small sheet cut in half and then attach in the middle.

brush with apricot jam and then dust with cinnamom sugar.

place the apple slices on top half overlapping each slice. fold puffpastry in half, then roll from left to right.

Set “rose” up and pinch the end t=so it stays closed.


place in the muffin in and dust with a little more cinnamom sugar.

bake in oven at 230C  for about 15 minutes then turn oven down to 14o and bake for another 15 minutes.

take out of the oven and brush with a little more apricot jam.

serve with custard and dust with powdered sugar for decoration.




See also  Grilled Halloumi and Fennel salad
me? plant geek, veggie addict, cat lover and photographer ...:-D sci fi mad, diy enthousiast, not your typical girlie spray tans allowed haha

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