Micro salad in 10 days

Exactly 10 days ago I have planted some rocket, mustard, mizuna and pak choi seeds and tonight I was able to thin the pots out and have the thinnings as a little salad for dinner with new potatoes and a handful of mangetout peas. The mizuna is really spicy, added lots of flavour to the dish and the rocket is just so tender and sweet when it’s young. Oh and the red leaves on the right are beetroot bull’s blood, very earthy and believe it or not it tastes like beetroot! Poor beetroot is still not growing very well but managed to find some young leaves; I wouldn’t recommend eating old beetroot leaves raw. It is better to pick young leaves for raw salads, just blanch the older beetroot leaves just like you would do chard and you can serve them as a side dish.

The rocket will provide me for at least a month with fresh, young leaves and the mustard can be left to grow well into the winter. This just shows that we can grow some quick veggies any time of the year if you grow them especially to be micro. Seedlings are full of vitamins and very trendy to eat too. Click here to check out the different leaf vegetable seeds we have in the shop.

See also  A carrot for containers and shallow soil
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