mash with leeks and sundried tomatoes


Serves 4:

½ a jar of sundried tomatoes on oil( mine was 180gr), chopped

1 kilo of floury potatoes

2 tablesppons of oil or butter

500grams leeks

Salt and pepper

Bunch of parsley, chopped

125ml crème fraiche


125ml white wine




Boil potatoes with salt.

Heat oil in a pan with lid.

Add leeks and tomatoes and let soften for 2 minutes with the lid on.

Add wine and salt and pepper. Taste First some sundried tomatoes are really salty.

Cover with lid and let simmer for 10 minutes

Drain potatoes, and add the crème fraich and nutmeg to taste, mash well.


Add parsley to the leeks and add that to the potaotes.

Season if needed.



source: Allerhande 1 2001

adapted, and photographed by Gardeninglady



See also  beetroot and apple mashup
me? plant geek, veggie addict, cat lover and photographer ...:-D sci fi mad, diy enthousiast, not your typical girlie spray tans allowed haha

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