Slowcooked aubergine


I saw a video on Youtube this week of Gordon Ramsey making something like this.

I couldn’t find the recipe, so I wrote down what I saw, changed it slightly as I hate mint and as I served it as a vegetable dish I didn’t put the feta on top.

If you want to see his video, check this out

Serves 4-6:

2 aubergines (didn’t use the 3rd one in the picture) diced coarsely

1 big onion,  chopped

3 cloves of garlic, chopped

Oil for the pan

Salt and pepper

2 tablesppons Pommegranate melasses

2 cans of chopped tomatoes

Sugar or honey if desired




Heat oil on a pan with a lid.

Fry the aubergine on high heat until golden Brown and softened.

Add the onions and garlic, season to taste and cook slowly with the lid on until the onions have softened.aubergine02

Add the pommegranate melasses and the chopped tomatoes.

Taste is you need sugar or honey as the melasses gives it quite a tangy kick, which is great but it was a bit much for me, maybe use less, try to find your own balance.



Recipe from Gordon Ramsey, this version by Gardeninglady , photos Gardeninglady







See also  Broccoli with lemonzest and garlic
me? plant geek, veggie addict, cat lover and photographer ...:-D sci fi mad, diy enthousiast, not your typical girlie spray tans allowed haha

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