Super quick lentil soup

serves 3-4 people:

1 tablespoon (sunflower) oil

1 onion, finely chopped

1 carrot, finely diced

1 stalk of celery, finely chopped

1, clove of garlic, finely chopped

Salt and pepper

1 litre of (chicken) stock

1 can (400grams) of brown lentils, drained

1-2 tablespoons of vinegar (to taste)

1 tablespoon (or little can) of tomato puree





In a large pan heat up the oil.

Add the onion, carrot, celery and garlic to the oil and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Soften the vegetable for 3-5 minutes on low heat (no colouring).

Add the stock and bring to the boil,  boil for about 5 minutes.

Add the lentils and heat through.


Add vinegar and the tomato puree and check seasoning.


Recipe and photos Gardeninglady

See also  creamy mushrooms on a ciabatta bun
me? plant geek, veggie addict, cat lover and photographer ...:-D sci fi mad, diy enthousiast, not your typical girlie spray tans allowed haha

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