Highly Scented Heirloom Sweet Pea Mixture: Parfumiere Mix

Our sweet peas are proving to be very popular. Especially the heirloom mix varieties like our best ever selling  highly scented heirloom mixture of sweet pea. This mixture of peas are specially selected for their perfumed blooms. You can enjoy them in your allotment, garden or even on your patio area. Yes indeed, it is possible to grow them near your house and the strong stems make a great cutting flower too.

Most gardeners sow the sweet peas in March, unless you are a really serious sweet pea lover and sown them in the autumn, but the spring being so late it is not late to sow them at all this month. sweet pea seedlingsAfter a couple of weeks the seedlings should look like these above and by the beginning of May, you will be able to transplant the sweet pea seedlings outside to their final position. So why not give it a go and make your garden nicely perfumed over the summer months.

See also  Happy New Year and some Keralan Veg!

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